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Hello, Hi, What's up?

I’m Carlos, the artist behind the camera! Definitely more on the laid-back side of things. Could be because I come from a big family that is way crazy! You know, making sure everyone is at the place they need to be and doing what needs to be done! Definitely thanking the Lord for those big family skills come wedding day! Haha!! 


I’ve been working as a photographer for about four years and have been loving every moment! Definitely one of those people who have to create or we go crazy, what can I say!  


"Someone can take a good photo, but it's the photos with the RAW emotion that are the best!!"

Why Photography is Important to me!




There's something special about looking through old photos!


A few years ago my grandmother passed away from illness. While cleaning out her house with my mom, we came across all these old photos from my mom's childhood and early married life with my grampa!


The stories that came from the single photos were so meaningful, yes she was gone...but even after death, she brought a smile to my face through the photos she had kept from her life!  


More than a Photos!



I can't tell you how grateful I am for the amazing people I've gotten to work with over the last 4 years of my Photography!


I've had the amazing opportunity to see families grow, lives brought together through marriage, and love stories unfold!


Each person so beautiful, each person allowing me to join them and capture some of the biggest moments to some of the smallest moments of their lives! 



I've strangely gotten involved with being creative in middle school..


It started with Drawing and oil paintings, then moved to some opportunities in set design, got involved with dance and musical theater, and then had a strange idea I would join Cirque Due Sole and travel the world! 

​ God's grace, He led me to Photography!


And the rest is history!




Things to Help while Planning!

photos for inspo.png
White & Blue Clean Fashion Magazine Cover.jpg
Copy of Beige Yellow White Simple Modern Magazine Layout A4 Document.jpg

Let's get you 

I'm so excited to get to work with you!! once you fill out your inquiry form, I'll be in touch!!! 

2020 by Carlos Manuel Stoner

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